HIFU Eye Bag Removal

HIFU Eye Bag Treatment
This treatment is specifically for eye area problems including eyes bags, sagging eyes and wrinkles.
Here a RT Aesthetics Newcastle, we offer HIFU treatments on the eye bags, crows feet and brow. Although many of our clients opt for the full face treatment, we can treat the eye area offering some excellent results. We use the latest MED: HIFU Ultra to effectively treat the eye area. Using 1.5mm and 2mm probes, ultrasonic-focusing energy reaches the epidermis and dermis layer, which effectively improves ageing from the surface to the depth of the eye area skin.
The HIFU process is non-invasive, non-surgical and painless. Results take 3 - 6 months to fully develop, although many clients see results the same day.
Eye Bag Treatment Newcastle
Booking a face-to-face consultation is the first step to rid them unwanted eye bags. Here at out Newcastle clinic we have 5 star rated aesthetic practioners ready to help rid them unwanted eye bags, wrinkles and crows feet.
- Treatments are FDA, CE and ISO certified for safety and reliability, and are handled by professionals.
- Treatment suitable for all skin types.
- The non-invasive treatment will focus the ultrasound on the sarcolemma layer, tightening the muscle outer membrane with heat, enhancing the ophthalmic muscle support, making it compact and enhanced.
- Save time, this treatment is only required once every 2 - 3 years with long-term effects.
- Suitable for busy city clients who want a treatment with no downtime.
Get the latest HIFU Treatment in Newcastle today...