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In order to achieve optimum results from your Facial treatment, we strongly recommend the following:

• Avoid alcohol consumption for minimal of 48 hours

• Avoid hot water, heat treatments (saunas, steam rooms, etc) or extreme cold for 24 hours

• Drink 2 – 3 litres of water daily, keep a large bottle with you at all times and infuse with lemons and limes for flavour, this will help hydrate the skin and help to flush out toxins

• Avoid sun-beds or direct UV exposure for a minimum of 1 week and apply SPF daily to protect the skin

• RT Aesthetics have a range of different skincare to help after your treatment, the skincare should be used after your treatment daily and the directions on how to use each product can be found on the bottle/packaging

• Skin may feel dry after treatment, therefore you should apply a replenishing/hydrating mask three times a week or apply hyaluronic acid

• Do not take aspirin or other anticoagulant medications as this can hinder the healing process

• Normal cleansing regimes can be resumed after 24 hours, although avoid using scented or fragranced products around the treatment area unless you are using the skincare given to you at the clinic

• Allow 2 weeks before continuing any laser/IPL treatments in the area that you had treated

• Avoid actives e.g Vitamin C, retinol, glycolic acids etc for 7 days

• Gently wash the skin after 24hours with warm water

• Apply moisturiser and SPF each day

• Gentle exfoliation on day 4 if needed

In order to achieve optimum results from your Body treatment, we strongly recommend the following:

• Drink 2 – 3 litres of water daily, keep a large bottle with you at all times and infuse with lemons and limes for flavour, this will flush out the crystallised lipids (dead fat cells) out of your body through the lymphatic system

• Exercise minimum of 1 hour per week as this will assist in the metabolism of the dead fat cells and contribute to healthy lifestyle

• Follow a healthy eating diet plan (we offer these on our website, head over and click ‘resources’) and reduce your intake of alcohol, carbohydrates and caffeine during the treatment program

• Regular body brushing at home, this is a great way to stimulate the lymphatic system to naturally eliminate the fat cells, do this twice daily for 2 minutes

• Use the RT Organics Body Sculpt Oil daily when body brushing to help assist the removal of dead fat cells and promote good blood flow

• Take 2 scoops off RT Aesthetics 20:80 inulin powder daily, mix with any liquid or food

• Avoid hot baths or showers, steam or heat treatments for 24 hours

• Avoid Aspirin and Ibuprofen during the treatment program

• Lymphatic massage will accelerate the process of removing the fat cells

During the first 7 – 10 days – The Healing Process

Low Energy Treatments 3 – 5 day recovery time with minimal skin peeling

  • After low-energy treatment, the skin must be kept dry
  • If mild irritation persists, then gently pat the skin with cool water
  • Do not cleanse for 24 hours; only gently cleanse with clean hands and water
  • After this period, a mild water-based cleanser can be used
  • Only lightly lubricate the skin with Abasic gentle moisturiser or ALLSKIN MED Growth Factor ampoule whilst the skin is getting ready to shed and heal
  • Apply SPF 30 or above daily
  • Do not expose your skin to the sun
  • Avoid all extremes of hot or cold for 48-72 hours
  • When peeling has almost completed, the skin can rehydrate with mild moisturisers
  • Avoid all Acid based products and retinol for 7-10 days
  • Using rehydration products too early or over-moisturising will delay the peeling process.

Medium Energy Treatment 5 – 7 days with skin flaking/peeling

  • Basic care as per low-energy

High-Level Energy Treatment 7 – 10 days recovery time with skin peeling from around day 9.

  • The skin may be red and appear darker until it is ready to peel
  • A moderate sunburn sensation will be felt
  • At high energy, your practitioner might apply a barrier cream such as Vaseline or a similar alternative to the treated area directly after treatment
  • This keeps the skin moist, which you must continue to do until it begins to peel and rejuvenate
  • If you are using barrier cream, this can be removed gently after 24 hours with water and reapplied with clean hands
  • Depending on your treatment and skin reaction, you may be advised to cleanse and reapply the barrier cream or gel twice a day for 2 or 3 days
  • Apply SPF 30 or above daily. Do not expose your skin to the sun
  • When your skin starts to peel, allow it to happen naturally and don’t pick it or use any moisturiser; if the peeling process continues for a few days, then a mild moisturiser can be used
  • If your provider has prescribed antibiotics or other medications, please continue to take them as advised

Golden Rules To Follow


  • Do not pick, scrub or exfoliate the flaking skin. Allow it to detach naturally when it is ready
  • Please do not touch the treated area
  • Clean hands when cleansing it/reapplying barrier cream
  • Do not use harsh or exfoliating products,retinols, acid based products,medicationsor scrubsuntil the areas is fully healed. (7-10 days)
  • For high-energy treatments, it may be two weeks before you can reintroduce active skincare
  • Do not wear clothing that could irritate the area that has been treated
  • Do not allow pets near the treated area until it has healed
  • Avoid contact with anyone with any infection, especially infectious skin conditions
  • Do not over hydrate the skin in the first week post treatment.
  • Using rehydration products too early or over-moisturising, will delay the peeling process
  • For face treatments, it is advisable to sleep slightly raised in bed and to change bedding daily
  • Avoid washing your hair for the first 24 hours after treatment
Wait time between treatments
  • Led Light can be applied immediately after the treatment, with NIR light particularly beneficial
  • Botox 2 weeks
  • Filler 4weeks
  • Sculptra/ Radiesse 6 weeks
  • Superficial Peels or HydraFacial 2 weeks
  • Medium /Deep peels 6 weeks
  • Laser or Fractional Resurfacing treatments 6 weeks
  • Laser hair removal 2 weeks
  • IPL 4 weeks
  • Tretinoin 2 weeks – recommence once the area is healed
  • Topical Steroids – 1 week. Wound healing impairment is dependent on potency, dose and duration of use. It is advisable to check with the prescribing physician if treatment can proceed safely. Recommence use once the treated area is healed
  • Roaccutane – 6 months and then do a careful test patch
  • Oral Steriods – 4 weeks minimum. Wound healing impairment is dependent on potency, dose and duration of use. It is advisable to check with the prescribing physician if treatment can proceed safely. Recommence use once treated area is healed