How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin

How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin?
Seeing a double chin in the mirror may be a sign of weight gain or obesity, but that is not always the case.
There are many exercises that target the fat under the chin and neck. There are also other treatments that can be used to support these activities.
You have been devoted to your exercise regime and opted for a healthier diet; despite all of your hard work, stubborn pockets of fat can linger, knocking your confidence and motivation levels. A double chin can be incredibly difficult to shift, they’re not always caused by weight gain and can be attributed to uncontrollable variables such as age and genetics.
Going under the knife is always an option but surgery can be daunting and often involves a long recovery period after the operation. There are non-surgical ways to banish your double chin so that you can feel more empowered when you are faced with your reflection.
What Causes A Double Chin
A double chin is caused by an extra layer of fat that develops beneath the chin. A double chin can be caused by a number of factors, including age, diet, and genetics. A few different factors combine in the body to create a double chin.
Understanding these factors may help with understanding ways to get rid of the double chin itself. There are a number of factors that contribute to a double chin and it is usually a combination of these factors that result in a visible double chin, not just excess fat like many individuals assume. These factors include the following:
- Loose Skin
- Excess Neck Fat
- Small Chin
- Weak Chin
- Drooping Salivary Gland
- Sagging platysma Muscle
- Age
Diet and weight
While weight gain is not always the cause of a double chin, it can contribute to it. A diet high in calories, processed foods, and carbohydrates may influence weight gain and a double chin as well. Double chin can also be caused by a significant weight loss as lose skins forms in the area.
Genes may play a role in people developing a double chin. Anyone with a family history of skin with little elasticity or double chins might be more likely to develop one themselves.
Poor posture can weaken the muscles of the neck and chin. This may contribute to a double chin over time, as the surrounding skin loses its elasticity when the muscles are not used.
Double Chin Exercises
There are many simple exercises for a double chin. While there is little scientific research on the effect of these exercises, they target the muscles of the neck and face. Working these muscles could help burn fat in these areas, and may be a crucial part of getting rid of a double chin.
Around the world (warm up)
As with any exercise routine, it is important to warm up the muscles to avoid injury. To warm up the neck, gently rotate the head forward and down and then back and up using a clockwise, circular motion. After a few rotations, reverse the direction. The same circular motion is used to stretch the jaw. Gently extend the jaw left, then forward, then right, and then back, holding each position for a second or two. Now the muscles are warmed and ready for exercise.
Whistle at the ceiling
This exercise is great for strengthening the muscles and giving the neck a break during time spent at the desk. Sit with a straight back and relaxed shoulders.
Tilt the head back to look at the ceiling. From this position, close the lips into the position used while whistling. The lips should be relaxed but held tight enough to feel a contraction on both sides of the neck.
Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds depending on the comfort level of the individual. Ten repetitions of this exercise are usually enough for one sitting.
Kiss the sky
This exercise is similar to the previous one, with a few differences. Stand straight and tall with the arms and shoulders loose and relaxed. Tilt the head back to look at the ceiling. Pucker the lips and try to kiss the sky, extending them as far away from the face as possible. When done correctly, the muscles throughout the neck and chin should feel flexed but comfortable. Hold this position for 5 to 20 seconds and then relax. Repeat 10 to 15 times per set.
The ball squeeze
Keeping an exercise tool on hand is an excellent way to help some people remember to do their exercises. For neck exercises, it may help to keep a ball somewhere near the desk, bed, or in a place where a person will do the exercises. The size of the ball can range from 5 to 10 inches based on personal comfort and should be easy to squeeze. The ball squeeze is done best from a seated position with a straight back and relaxed shoulders. Place the ball under the chin. Use the chin to push down against the ball in a steady, firm motion. This can be repeated 10 to 30 times during each sitting.
The pouting stretch
Another effective way to target the muscles in the chin and neck is to do a pouting stretch. Standing or seated, stick the bottom lip out as far as possible to form a pouting face. Hold the position for 3 seconds. With the lip still in full pout, use the muscles of the neck to tilt the chin towards the chest without moving the upper back. Hold this position for 3 seconds. Relax the muscles and start again. Repeat 10 to 20 times or until the neck feels the workout.
Double Chin Treatments
Weight gain can also have a negative affected and fat in this area is difficult to remove despite exercise and diet. Ageing is another factor that causes lose elasticity in the skin making it more likely to sag. However, at RT Aesthetics we have a variety of non-surgical treatments available to help with this common issue and give you the body confidence you deserve. If your unsure on what treatment would be most effective you can contact us or book a free consultation. RT Aesthetics advanced practitioners will discuss everything in detail and design a treatment plan based around your own goals and expectations.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
Double chins can sometimes be a cause of the ageing process. As we go through the natural ageing process collagen production slows down and the jowls and jawline starts to lose elasticity, resulting in the skin becoming looser and showing signs of sagging. Our non-surgical face lift treatment, HIFU skin tightening treatment, more commonly known as Ultherapy®, is effective for lifting and tightening lose and/or sagging skin. Known as the ‘lunchtime facelift’, a HIFU treatment takes minutes to administer and effectively reduces the appearance of your double chin.
Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)
One of our most popular non-surgical fat reduction treatment Cryolipolysis, or commonly known as Coolscultping®, 3D lipo, Cryo-Lipo and fat freeze. Fat freezing is a non-invasive, non-surgical, clinically proven method of targeting fat in problem areas using cooling technology. The procedure involves controlled cooling within the temperature range of -7 to -10 °C. This destroys the fat cells by a natural process called apoptosis. Cryolipolysis could be the perfect solution to treat that double chin by freezing and destroying the fat cells.
Radio Frequency
When pricey face creams that promise to firm and slenderise don’t work, it might be time to consider Radio Frequency treatment; it’s a great long-term treatment for individuals looking to banish their double chin. Radio Frequency for double chins is on of the most popular non-invasive, non-surgical fat reduction treatment offered by RT Aesthetics. This modern technique melts away fat cells and can sculpt out a jawline that could cut glass. This treatment penetrates deep into the layers of fat so that your skin looks and feels tighter.
Radio Frequency treatment can also turn back the years, as 91% of women found that Radio Frequency treatment reduced the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving them an overall more youthful appearance.
Many clients combine the Radio Frequency with the double chin 360 freeze treatment. This allows the fat cells to be broken down with cryolipolysis, causing natural cell death in many stubborn fat cells in the chin. The combination of these 2 treatments causes the fat cells to be easily removed by the body and results in a more toned and defined chin.
A double chin can be difficult to get rid of naturally with the use of exercise and diet. A slimmer face and more defined jawline can do wonders for your self-esteem and you don’t even need surgery to get a more sculpted face; treatments such as HIFU, Cryolipolysis, and Radio Frequency are non-invasive ways to banish your double chin for good.