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Common Causes of Cellulite

Common Causes of Cellulite

5 Common Causes of Cellulite

Find out the 5 common causes of cellulite on legs and how to fix it.

Cellulite is a very common, harmless skin condition that causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen. The condition is most prevalent in women.

Many people try, with variable success, to improve the appearance of their skin through weight loss, exercise, massage and creams marketed as a solution to cellulite. Medically proven treatment options are available as well, though results aren't immediate or long lasting.

Cellulite Problem

It’s every woman’s worst nightmare – bad cellulite. If you’re suffering from “porridge thighs” or “orange peel bottom” you’re certainly not alone. More than 75% of women struggle with cellulite. While being overweight can increase your risks, it’s not a problem reserved for the larger ladies alone, even slim women can have cellulite issues too!

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Cellulite can make you feel embarrassed or self-conscious and it can even affect your mental health too. Many women state that they won’t wear certain types of clothes or take part in some activities, for example, like swimming, because of how they feel about their cellulite. If your life is being impacted by bad cellulite then it’s time to make a change. It can really change how you fell about yourself.

So whats causes cellulite on legs or any other part of your body for that matter. More importantly what can you do about it.

So What Causes Cellulite

Processed Foods & Junk Foods 

We all know the saying “You are what you eat” but there’s no better example of this than when it comes to cellulite. Eating processed foods is one of the main causes of bad cellulite, with processed meats and cheese making the top of the list.

If you’re suffering from bad cellulite then you need to first look at your diet. Chuck out all the junk foods, snacks and takeaway menus. Aim to avoid fast foods like burgers, Chinese, McDonalds and Ice Cream. But also be aware of margarine and highly processed fats and oils, BBQ sauces and other condiments high in sugar, unhealthy fats and salt. Say no to fizzy drinks, pasta, chocolate and white bread as these can make cellulite worse.

The good news is that just as there are foods that can worsen cellulite, there are foods that help prevent it too. All have cellulite fighting properties, so if you have bad cellulite it’s time to cut out the processed foods and load up on your fresh fruit and veg. The following foods have been proven to be good for cellulite:

  • Broccoli
  • Green Tea
  • Oranges
  • Asparagus
  • Bananas
  • Berries
  • Oily Fish
  • Dark, Leafy Greens
  • Ginger and more!


We all know that we should drink lots of water (2l per day). Not drinking enough water on a daily basis can prevent your body from effectively eliminating toxins and waste. Over time, this can result in an increase in cellulite. But that’s not all! Excess alcohol or caffeine can dehydrate your skin adding to your cellulite problem.

When you’re dehydrated your skin is less supple and your collagen production is inhibited. This can make your cellulite on legs appear worse, as unhealthy, dehydrated skin accentuates its appearance. So you need to make sure you are drinking lots of water!

Lack of Exercise

Living a sedentary lifestyle is not only bad for your physical and mental health, it’s bad for cellulite too! So take a look at how much exercise you do per week, is it enough?

We all know the diet and exercise is the key to keeping our bodies (and minds) healthy. But while there are other factors involved in cellulite, staying in shape can help keep it in check.

Exercising regularly helps keep every part of your body functioning properly, from your heart to your muscles. When you don’t move often enough your lymphatic system gets sluggish, reducing its ability to process and remove waste from the body. This is key to keeping our bodies healthy.

If you do not exercise this increases your risk of the dreaded orange-peel appearance of cellulite.


Are you suffering from really bad cellulite? It could be that your genes are to blame!

Certain genes are responsible for cellulite production which could explain why some people struggle with bad cellulite while others are as smooth. Genetic factors such as your speed of metabolism, distribution of fat under the skin and even ethnicity, can all play a part in whether you develop cellulite or not.

Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about this one as its your genes! However, you can look to improve other factors involved in bad cellulite, such as diet and exercise.


While cellulite can be a problem in women of all ages, the older you get the more prone to it you can become. This does not mean men cannot get it too! This seems to be for a combination of reasons:

  • Reduced Skin Elasticity
  • Hormonal Fluctuations
  • Lack of Collagen Production
  • Saging Skin

As women age, their bodies start to produce less estrogen. This hormone usually helps keep your blood vessels flowing smoothly and your circulation working well. Poor circulation can mean a decrease in new collagen production and the breakdown of older connective tissue – increasing the appearance of bad cellulite.

How to Treat Cellulite At Home

If you’re plagued by bad cellulite you don’t have to suffer in silence. There are home remedies and professional cellulite treatments that can help you.

  • Dry Body Brushing. Body brushing can help improve your circulation and lymphatic drainage. This, in turn, can help reduce inflammation and strengthen your connective tissue, minimising the appearance of bad cellulite. Some dermatologists recommend body brushing at least 3-4 times a week, using a dry brush in circular motions for around 5 - 10 minutes.
  • Coffee Body Scrubs. Do you have some left over coffee? Coffee is rich in antioxidants and the caffeine can help dilate your blood vessels and reduce the appearance of cellulite on legs and buttocks. It can stimulate your skin, tightening and firming it by improving blood flow and eliminating excess water.  These plan-based chemicals may help to prevent damage from free radicals in the body and reduce the visibility of bad cellulite.
  • Hydration. Drinking more water can help your body to remove toxins, encourages good circulation and keeps your lymphatic system moving. While drinking water won’t get rid of bad cellulite, it can help it to appear less noticeable by keeping your skin plump and healthy.
  • Diet. Taking care of what you eat can support your quest for smooth, dimple free skin. Cut out all the foods we mentioned earlier and increase meat and fish, green and colourful veggies, natural fats from fish, meat, avocados and nuts.
  • Stay Active. Being regularly active doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym day and night! Aim to achieve your 10,000 steps during the day. This can be done by general day to day activity like walking the dog, chasing the kids around and cleaning the house.

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Treatments For Cellulite

A variety of treatment options are available to improve the appearance of cellulite. Each has its own set of potential results and side effects. Some studies indicate that a combination of treatments may yield the most satisfying results.

  • 5D Cavitation and Radio Frequency treatments. Various wounding (ablative) laser treatments are available to treat cellulite. In one method, a probe is used fiber to deliver heat that destroys the fibrous bands binding fat. This approach has shown to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • 360 Cryolipolysis. With cryolipolysis, also known as Fat Freezing, fat below the skin is reduced with a device that uses vacuum suction to raise tissue into contact with cooling plates. You'll need multiple treatments (1 - 3). Results appear gradually over two to three months.
  • Shockwave Therapy. With this technique, a practitioner applies gel to the affected skin and runs a small, hand-held device (transducer) over the area. The transducer sends sound waves into your body, breaking up cellulite. You'll need 6 - 12 treatments to see results.
Combination Treatments For The Best Results

Here at RT Aesthetics, our cellulite treatment uses both Fat Freezing and Shockwave Therapy technologies to give you the best results. By combining both these therapies together you can combat bad cellulite on a multitude of levels, reducing unwanted fat cells and giving your skin a smoother, firmer appearance.

To find out more about our cellulite treatments click here…

Read Time 18 minutes
Published 11 October 2020