How Long Does Fibroblast Last?

Fibroblast Plasma Lift treatment is a non-surgical treatment to improve the appearance of wrinkles, loose skin, pigmentation, scarring and much more.
The Fibroblast Plasma Lift treatment is done through a number of small dots being applied to the skin with a device, which stimulates the skin with a plasma flash which induces tightening of the skin and regeneration.
This revolutionary procedure forces the skin to contract immediately which stimulates new collagen. It creates much more because of the way it has been artificially manipulated to contract much quicker than it normally would, and this is what gives such beneficial results.
It is suitable for a number of people, from those who want to tighten the skin to get rid of sagging and create a more youthful look, to those looking to minimise how their skin conditions or scarring looks.
Fibroblast Plasma Lift is able to treat wrinkles, skin tags, moles, uneven pigmentation, age spots, sun spots, stretch marks – and much more besides.
The results from Fibroblast Plasma Lift are immediate, but what about long-term?
For those who have already had the Fibroblast Plasma Lift treatment, the results are astounding and they are thrilled with their new smoother, unblemished or more youthful appearance. However, the main question on their lips is therefore: ‘how long will the effects last?’
Fibroblast is a genuine treatment that lasts in the same way as a surgical procedure. Essentially, you will see long lasting results that won’t simply fade away the very next day. However, as with a surgical procedure, it cannot stop the natural ageing process from continuing.
You will actually notice that the results you see straight after the treatment will actually keep improving for up to six to eight weeks. Then you can rest assured it will then be maintained for a lengthy period of time.
What happens to the skin over time?
The skin that has been treated will not re-stretch if it has been tightened, but some years later you may notice that the skin has loosened. This is not because the treatment has not worked properly, but due to the ageing process, which no treatment can prevent.
You may want to have additional treatments further down the line to rectify this – as many patients have top-ups for surgical work. However, in the years to come immediately after your treatment, this will not be necessary as the results will be able to be enjoyed for a significant period of time.
There is, nonetheless, a caveat to this, which is that you will want to properly look after your general health in order to maintain this lasting effect.
What can impact the results of Fibroblast Plasma Lift treatment?
Too much alcohol, smoking and sunbathing can all have a negative impact and diminish the improvements made through Fibroblast Plasma Lift.
There are always extra factors such as the quality of your lifestyle which can come into play when determining the longevity of any treatment.
Aside from this, there is also the fact that our genetics play a large role in our ageing process, so, unfortunately, some will simply age quicker than others. This is unavoidable, but as stated, with healthier living, the results should last longer.
However, if Fibroblast Plasma Lift treatment has been given for skin conditions, such as acne scarring, skin tags or moles, these will be permanently removed following the procedure, and are unlikely to require follow-ups.