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Get Rid of Cellulite

Get Rid of Cellulite

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

I know you’re here to learn how to get rid of cellulite, but I just gotta say it..

No matter how many cellulite creams or scrubs you slather on your body, you can’t actually destroy it at home. That’s because cellulite forms when fat cells beneath your skin.

Can you actually get rid of cellulite?

Well, no—at least not at home.“Think of a button creating a pucker on a couch cushion,” says dermatologist Mona Gohara, MD, associate clinical professor at Yale. “To get rid of the pucker, you have to go deeper and cut the cords.” That said, there are a handful of tips and tricks that help lessen the appearance of cellulite in the short term—and as long as you go into the process with realistic expectations, they’re not a bad place to start.

Non Surgical Treatments

RT Aesthetics non-surgical anti-cellulite treatments can help reduce and rid the unwanted cellulite. Using advance technology to actively reduce and remove cellulite. Our treatments aim to increase and improve blood flow and destroy unwanted fat cells. The following treatments are designed to improve and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Recommended treatments for cellulite:

  • Radio Frequency
  • BTL Exilis Ultra
  • Fat Freezing
  • Shockwave Therapy
  • EMSculpt Neo

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite

It is one of the most asked question in the beauty industry. But if you are one of those millions of women who suffer from the dreaded orange peel – also known as cellulite – can seem like an uphill battle to look good in shorts, let alone a skimpy swimsuit.

You are not alone though – some of the most photographed and beautiful women in the world also wage a constant war against lumpy legs, the latest being Kate Moss at the Luis Vuitton fashion show in Paris last month. But the good news is that they are winning.

8 Tips, Tricks, and Products From Dermatologist
  1. Dry brushing - This requires dry skin, so it’s best to try it before you jump in the shower and don’t forget to slather on a creamy moisturiser when you hop out of the shower. Daily body brushing and massaging can jumpstart lymphatic drainage, which helps to eliminate toxins that can accumulate in the fat layer
  2. Exercise Smart Get moving - It's one of the best treatments. It won't make your cellulite disappear, but strong muscles under lumpy areas can make your skin look more even. Try a three-part plan: a healthy diet, brisk exercise, and moves that tone your muscles.
  3. Eat More Raw Foods  - We don't mean start eating raw meat! You need to eat more fiber, for example, more whole grains, fruit, and vegetables. The simple or "refined" carbs found in many breads, candy, and soft drinks add calories. This leads to fat, especially in cellulite-prone areas.
  4. Retinol Body Cream -  Add this to your cellulite routine to help reduce cellulite. The collagen-building ingredient works to plump and smooth your skin every time you use it. Therefore, reducing the appearance of cellulite. A product with 0.3% retinol is best. You need to use it for at least 6 months to see effects. It should thicken your skin's outer layer to help cover bumpy areas underneath.
  5. Coffee Scrubs - When used topically, a ground-coffee exfoliant can reduce the appearance of cellulite in two ways. Massaging the scrub along your skin can help stimulate lymphatic drainage, thus reducing cellulite. Another reason is that coffee contains caffeine, which temporarily tightens and plumps your skin.
  6. Water - Yes we all know that we should drink more water, but dehydration can cause the skin to become thinner and weaken, and when the skin is thin, it tends to show cellulite more.
  7. Lose Weight - Whether you are very skinny or plump, you can have cellulite. But extra weight often makes it more visible. If you're overweight, the best remedy is to look to lose weight and follow a good diet. The KETO diet has been proven to work with great scientific backing for reducing body fat.
  8. Smoking - This effects the blood supply to your skin and reduces oxygen in the blood. This causes the skin to get thinner and more likely to sag. This makes the cellulite on your arms, thighs, and bottom more visible.
  9. Fake Tan - If you have fair skin, a self-tanner may help. Dimpled areas are less noticeable on darker skin. Start with a gentle body scrub, then apply a self-tanning lotion to cellulite areas only.
  10. Body Wrap - A body wrap can tighten and smooth your skin for a while. The effects last about a day, and costs vary. A body shaper or an elastic bandage wrapped around your cellulite zones might give you spa results for less cash.


Causes of Cellulite

You may be asking the question, what causes cellulite? It is the result of a build up of toxins, excess fluids and enlarged fat cells trapped between connective tissue, resulting in a reduction in the lymphatic flow.

These factors create the bumpy, dimpled ‘cottage cheese’ appearance on the skin. Although cellulite is not dangerous, the appearance can be damaging to a person’s self-confidence and self-image because of its unpleasant appearance.

  • Hormonal factors – hormones are likely to play an important role in cellulite development. It is believed that estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process.
  • Genetics – certain genes are required for cellulite development. Genes may predispose an individual to particular characteristics associated with cellulite, such as gender, race, metabolism, distribution of fat just underneath the skin, and circulatory insufficiency.
  • Diet – people who eat too much fat, too many of the wrong carbohydrates, or salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite.
  • Lifestyle factors – cellulite may be more prevalent in smokers, those who do not exercise, and those who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time, all of which impact on the circulatory system and lymphatic drainage.
  • Clothing – underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks (limiting blood flow) may contribute to the formation of cellulite.

Read more about causes of cellulite.

Read Time 13 minutes
Published 17 October 2020