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BTL Exilis – Studies Confirm Exilis Works

Read The BTL Exilis – Studies Confirm Exilis Works Case Study

BTL Exilis Face Newcastle

The Benefits

Check out some of the benefits of having this popular BTL Exilis Ultra treatment

Effective Results

Exceptional device offering treatments for different skin conditions such as wrinkles, skin laxity, and excessive fat without any downtime with no BMI or skin type restrictions


Reduces fat tissue, provides smoother and more contoured skin without invasive surgery or scaring, with no period of recovery post-treatment, you can go about your daily life as normal straight afterwards

Reduces Cellulite

Reduces the appearance of cellulite and promotes blood flow to the area of treatment

Long-lasting Results

Long term results which start to show immediately, improving session on session over the following few months

Studies Confirm Exilis Works.

The Exilis allows practitioners to treat areas that have been historically difficult to approach. For example, as Dr. Downie noted, it does a good job of treating chin fat. “Coupling the technology in Exilis Elite with other treatments and modali- ties pushes the evolution of non-invasive skin tightening to a new level.”

Dr. Weiss agreed. “This technology shows what RF-based aesthetic treatments can be. We obtain really good, consistent results on most patients, and pretty high satisfaction because of two things: proper screening of patients and consis- tent treatments. Screening properly helps to minimize the non-responders, and having treatment protocols helps to maximize the uniformity of the results. ”

According to Dr. Rogers, “This is a comfortable treatment and it’s relatively af- fordable owing to the lack of those several hundred dollar tips. Most importantly, there’s science to back it up, so it’s been great addition to our practice.”

Exilis Ultra Treatment Newcastle

The BTL EXILIS ULTRA 360 is an exceptional device offering treatments for different skin conditions such as wrinkles, skin laxity, and excessive fat without any downtime with no BMI or skin type restrictions. The treatment has been compared to a hot stone massage sensation.

The BTL Exilis uses a handpiece to apply the radiofrequency and ultrasound energies, along with cooling, to the different areas that you want to be treated. There will be a warm sensation from the heat energy as it penetrates the deep layers of the skin. A cooling sensation is also engaged during the procedure, which protects the skin from the heat.

Patients have described the procedure as a “pain-free hot stone massage”. It’ll be performed while lying down, so you’ll be nice and comfortable. Depending on the severity of the area and the size, it can last about 30-60 minutes for the entire procedure.

Exilis has been tested in clinical studies and proven to be safe and effective. It has been cleared by the FDA in the U.S. for use in dermatological and aesthetic procedures with indications for non-invasive treatment of wrinkles and rhytids.

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